Generating Ideas for Writing - Stealing Ideas

It seems that many writers are worried about someone stealing their ideas; obviously, I am almost the opposite. Even innovative ideas are very similar to past ideas. Today I am going to find a good idea to steal, and maybe innovate. This is Jim Butcher, I am going to steal an idea from him. Why? I was watching a video of Brandon Sanderson teaching writing. He mentioned that Jim Butcher was in an argument in a forum about whether ideas or writing skills are more important. Jim told his rival to give him the worst idea he had, and he would write a novel on it. The guy gave him the idea of combining the lost 13th Legion of Rome and Pokemon. Jim did it, he wrote a novel, and it sold well. So well that it became a very successful six book series. Ideas matter, writing skill matters much more; that is the lesson I took from the story. I haven't read a book by Butcher, or from Sanderson for that matter, but looking at The Dresden Files it seems like Butcher uses an interest...