Fighting Local Government Corruption - Part 7 of ?

I see a bright future for Dalton Township.

There comes a day when the mettle of a community is tested. When hard times come, a question is asked, a question that reaches out to each citizen and wonders, "What will You do?"

In that choice, in that decision, lies the entire future of the community. It's a decision that rests in the heart and soul of each individual.

The community that comes together in a show of support is the community that has a bright future.

The community where the citizens find courage and strength in each other, that is the community that has a bright future.

I see hundreds of people coming together, connecting, sharing, supporting, and seeking for that brighter future.

A future where the citizens participate in, and contribute to, the township's policies.

A future where the citizens oversee and approve of the township's procedures.

A future where the citizens of Dalton Township trust the officials of Dalton Township.

That's the future that the citizens of Dalton deserve, and that's the future that the citizens of Dalton can expect, a brighter future.

When the attack on Hidden Creek Farm began, many of us were in the dark, many of us were silent, and many of us felt alone. But, an ordeal reveals the true mettle of individuals, of communities, of societies. Shedding the darkness, and the silence, and the loneliness, the citizens have become united, they have found their voices, and a brighter future awaits.

That future begins on June 10th at the Dalton Township Board Meeting.

The demands for transparency are being revealed, the demands for accountability are showing through, and the citizens of Dalton Township are being heard.

The first step is awareness. The second step is showing up. The third step is change.

I see a bright future for Dalton Township. A future built for the citizens of Dalton, by the citizens of Dalton, a bright future.

(I, for one, would enjoy seeing a whole row of tractors at the meeting.)

Here's more information about the meeting:

Here's the community group:


You can find more of what I'm doing at


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