An Introductory Letter

I recently wrote an introductory letter for a faculty position. Introductory letters are odd because in the end they're a sales piece, selling your own ability to aid the people and organization that you're introducing yourself to, and therefore you need to demonstrate that you can benefit them, and how you do that is a bit of bragging, which is an odd activity. Introductory Letter Concerning a Faculty Position I’m in my final week teaching Introduction to Humanities for Muskegon Community College in Michigan. It’s been a good experience. Two classes in different towns, four days a week, mostly early college students, with a couple of older students, 35 in total. It’s been a fun experience and a successful experiment. It was an experiment because over the last four years my primary work has been as a local elected official. I’m finishing my term as the Dalton Township Supervisor in a couple of weeks. The township has just under 10,000 residents ...